
SEO 2.0 - Tweet by Greg Isenberg

With organic search generating around $10 billion a day from 5.5 billion clicks, the potential for niche websites is immense. Enter SEO 2.0, a revolutionary approach where personalized search, AI-powered tools, and smart workflows are the new norm.


Imagine your business showing up when people prompt for Gemini or ChatGPT. That's literally up for grabs right now.

Organic search generates ~$10B/day of revenue for niche websites from 5.5B clicks.

Not many are taking about how there's a game-changing opportunity to be able to rank for "SEO 2.0".

SEO 2.0: 

1. The personalized search. Customize offers, copy, etc depending on search query. SEO is becoming personalized

2. Tools are kings. Build tools, calculators, quizzes etc worth linking to. Watch them get embedded and linked to from LLMs

3. Use AI to create 200+ pages per day. Use a combo of 




4. The 80/20 rule. Smart AI agents doing 80% of the work. Last 20% is humans to avoid Google penalties.

5. AI-assisted workflows to basically give you the SEO power of what was out of reach for most people but in reach for top companies that spent millions on SEO per year.

People say search is dying. But real ones know that there search is just evolving to prompting and the kings of organic search won't necessarily be the kings of organic prompts.

Quite literally billions is up for grabs.

Fires me up


Note: I have http://BoringMarketing.com optimizing SEO 2.0 for me with their proprietary AI tech. I invested in the company because I believe winners of SEO 2.0 will do well. Highly recommend.

You could follow 


 for more tips to DIY SEO 2.0.

I also have http://designscientist.com doing my designs.

SEO 2.0 - Tweet by Greg Isenberg

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