My approach to website redesign for complex information
My approach to website redesign for complex information by pixelgeek
Learn how I think about and approach a website redesign that has a lot of information but also a lot of great media assets to work with. In this video I redesign the Elevation Culture website for fun. Need a website redesigned? That One Couple can help: https://thatonecouple.com View my version here: https://elevation-culture.webflow.io/ View the original site here: https://www.elevationculture.com/ 00:00 - Intro 00:09 - How it all started 01:03 - What the current website looks like 01:30 - TMI (Too much information) 03:22 - Learned about the Race Director 04:48 - Doing a deep dive ofthe content and assets 05:13 - How I started to imagine the website layout 05:57 - From imagination to Webflow 07:28 - Events page 08:29 - Lake Hodges Trail Fest page 10:13 - How I organized the content in Webflow CMS