
Add Lenis Smooth Scrolling inWebflow

Simple method for adding smooth scrolling to a Webflow projects.


Simply copy and paste this script into the Before </body> Tag custom code field in your page/project settings.

<script data-id-scroll data-autoinit="true" data-duration="1" data-orientation="vertical" data-smoothWheel="true" data-smoothTouch="false" data-touchMultiplier="1.5" data-easing="(t) => (t === 1 ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t))" data-useOverscroll="true" data-useControls="true" data-useAnchor="true" data-useRaf="true" data-infinite="false" defer src=""
Add Lenis Smooth Scrolling inWebflow

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