019 - Building a profitable web design business
This week we've invited Joel Eschenbach to join us for a community chat about building a profitable web design business.
Joel is the founder and principal owner of Notion Design Group which is a web agency focused on monthly reoccurring web design and development subscriptions. They have 15 years of business under their belt and hundreds of clients they have helped along the way.
Their unique business model allows for custom design, custom development, and ongoing support + hosting. It's a hybrid model that we do not see too often in the world of Webflow and we thought it would be an interesting discussion to dissect how he built the business, where he finds new clients, and how you might be able to take some of what works for them and apply it to your offerings.
Joel is a Storybrand expert and coach as well as all around good guy. He has experience with WordPress, Joomla, Webflow and many other web technologies so this will be a dynamic conversation as we bounce around the entire process of building a profitable web design business.